What is Barracuda MSAT (aka Phishline)?
  • 24 May 2024
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What is Barracuda MSAT (aka Phishline)?

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Article summary


This article is intended for use by customers of Ziptech Services Ltd that use Barracuda Email Security.


If you don't use or are not sure if you use Barracuda Email Security please check with whoever is the primary contact for Ziptech Services at your company.

What is Barracuda MSAT?

Short Video Explanation

Barracuda Manages Security Awareness Training (referred to as MSAT or Phishline) helps organizational security by providing routine end user training.
End Users are the first line of human defence in any organizations security, and are also most commonly the cause of data breaches.

This Service is included ONLY in Barracuda Total Protection package
For more info on Complete and Total Protection see What is Barracuda Email Protection?

How does it work?

Barracuda MSAT will send your end users two types of emails every month.

  • The first is a simulated phishing email, this aims to test your users by allowing you to determine who is unable to spot a phishing email.

  • The second is educational resources in the form of a video followed by a questionnaire on the content of the video.

The content of the emails varies from month to month and is based on current events and phishing techniques.